As they Say… “When it rains it pours”
In this case… It’s all good!
Today was one of the best days yet for this new business adventure.
The most exciting development by far…
MisterChef® Delivery
We took delivery of our 1st shipment of MisterChef® Stand Mixers.
We are now an official retail outlet for MisterChef® Appliances. Starting today with the MisterChef® Professional Stand Mixer – One of the UK’s most popular and best selling Stand Mixers of 2020 is now available to purchase directly @ TPCLtd.
We look forward to expanding our stock with their amazing and soon to be increasing range of Stand Mixers and other kitchen appliances over the next few months.
For more information about MisterChef®, please visit their website:
A little over a month ago I was inspired by a friend of mine that was looking for a new ‘Breville’ sandwich maker. Back then I was only really advertising mixers & coffee machines. I figured, if i’m going to sell kitchen appliances, I might as well sell the ones people absolutely need. I know i’d be lost (especially on Lock-Down) without the ability to make a toastie.
So… Just over a month later… We now have a trade account with the UK’s biggest distributor of well known household brand named kitchen appliances. EPEInternational. They are the distributors who supply the high street with well known brands such as Breville, Russell Hobbs etc… We had our 1st delivery of new stock today.
The ‘Breville Ultimate Deep Fill Toastie Maker’ (The one my friend went for) is unsurprisingly, currently out of stock, but i’ve got them on back order & will add them here the minute they arrive.
We had our 1st delivery of stock today from EPEInternational. Some of the new stock we’re now selling directly:
TPCLtd News
I’m not sure what it’s called out in the real world… But today I began what I would previously have called (In my pre-covid theatre life) a ‘Load-in’ (Or Bump-In for the Aussies) – My 1st in many years ?.
This little business venture has expanded beyond my ability to operate it out of the front room. We’ve now got storage space and a little office just down the road @ 592 London Road, Isleworth. As I was loading my 1st delivery in today I was reminded once again that Jeff Bezos founded Amazon by selling books out of his garage.
Tomorrow I start the fit-up – building the shelving and furniture.
Other News
In other news…
The 1st prototype of our new machine is on it’s way to the UK. It’s currently in Hong Kong (where it’s been stuck in transit for a week ?).
It still has some way to go. The mechanics are in the process of being fine tuned, the top colour is completely wrong & looks washed out (the pink worse than the blue), the grey paint is awful (I might go black on the next attempt), all 3 logos (There’s another one on the rear of the stand I can see in another photo that I won’t/can’t share – It’s a bit of a mess) are completely the wrong size.
The logo on the bowl should be front & center when the bowl is locked in place – and much smaller. The one next to the digital display should be much smaller – like the technical drawings and render. The paint finish is completely wrong – It’s supposed to be the exact same quality as a highly polished car.
But apart from all that… It is very very exciting seeing it come to life. We’re currently on schedule to get a final prototype approved and delivered by late April. One I can have professionally photographed for marketing and then hopefully we can start selling it in the UK this Summer.