Sleeping Beauty Cake by Mr Baker’s Cake School – Most bakers and cake decorators would agree they have a bucket list of cakes that they would just love to tackle at some point and this was definitely one Mr Baker’s… Made famous by Disney’s 1959 hit, Sleeping Beauty, this is the cake that Fauna creates for Aurora’s 16th birthday while under the fairies’ self-imposed magic ban to avoid being discovered by Maleficent.
Quite often, as working bakers and cake decorators, we just don’t have the time to indulge our passions and create the over-the-top creations that originally drew us in to this crazy world of all-things-sugar, so Mr Baker decided to invite just some of his cake-besties, @LovinfromTheOven, @ImmaculateConfections and @YellowBeeCakeCompany to join him at the Cake School for a creative few days of fun… and this was the result!
What do you think… did they do it justice?
Mr Baker’s Cake School
2023-09-01 22:35:39
Tower Cerasure Muffin Tray Set
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